Hello! I'm ma.e

I love food, music, people and I love code

I'm currently teaching at BeCode in Belgium to adults how to become a great webdeveloper. The secret is that it's not (only) about code, it's about having a brain and a heart and being human.
I'm also working as a UX Designer and a Project Manager on several internal projects.
Before that, I was working in the web industry in design, developpement, and in database. And before that, I was in France learning how to become an adult (ish).

Also I like to

  • Write Code
  • Write books and stuff
  • Big fan of Hot Chocolate
  • Always fight for peace
  • Inspire people to become amazing
  • Aim for the moon: even if you miss you’ll land among the stars

A Few Accomplishments

I blog since 2004. I made a webdesign training in 2009. I began my path as a webdeveloper in 2015. I teach since 2017. I'm into UX since 2018.



2019-2020 - UX

Talents is a recruitment platform. It's a high classified project but an amazing one I'm working on. We had the chance to work with Namahn to help us improve it.



2019 - UX

I was part of the Erasmus+ program "EUnitedWeCode". I work on the UX of the communication plateform "VIDA", a platform to develop the trainers community to address the problems encountered and share our experiences.

becode.org v2

becode.org v.2

2019 - UX

Interviews, needs analysis, user cases, personae, data architecture, wireframe, low-fi mockups. Jan and I worked as UX Designer on the becode.org version 2.

my becode


2018-2020 - UX

my.becode is an internal pedagogical plateform. Created by my colleague Bertrand, I helped him improve this interface and detect usability issues. Afterwards, I joined the team in charge of developing the future version, way more complexe than the first version.

RGZNSK website

RGZNSK - Graphic Designer, Pixel Artist, Voxel Artist

2017 - Wordpress

Lucas needed a portfolio that he could manage himself. As he already knew how Wordpress works, we decided to make a wp portfolio and customize it espacially for him.

Sophie Dereymaeker website

Sophie Dereymaeker

2016 - Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL

Sophie Dereymaeker (sophiecreative.be) needed a website that she could manage herself despite her lack of computer skills.

Eau Contre Hair

Eau Contre Hair

2016 - Bootstrap

Showcase website of a local business (hairdresser)

Recettes du Monde

Blog "Recettes du Monde"

2016 - Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL

With 2 other dev, we create this blog to share our favorite recipes.

À la Bonne Heure

A la Bonne Heure

2012 - photoshop, HTML, CSS, javascript

Now you can't deny I love food. This is a website about my favorites food photos taken at home. This website sometimes helps find find an idea when I don't know what I want to eat.



2010 - photoshop, photos, HTML, CSS, javascript

As a student, I was responsible for redoing my training center website - online from 2010 to 2012

Cours d'italien

Cours d'italien


This is a website created for the students of the 2015-2016 class of the Marie Haps Italian A2 course. For those who have missed classes especially. Every week, the site was updated.

Sinomet Recycling

Sinomet Recycling

2008 - mockup low-fi, photoshop, photos

Website of the import / export company of non-ferrous metals (yes I know, it's very sexy)


Blog AllezCine

2015 - HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL

A blog I made during my internship about cinema because, I love food but I also love movies.

Interview de webdev et exposition Pop Art

Projet Pop Art!

2015 - HTML, CSS, javascript

End of pre-training project at CF2M as part of my webdeveloper training: combine a presentation on an exhibition and an interview with webdeveloper to confirm my choice of orientation.


Design of an e-commerce website : iShoes

2010 - photoshop, HTML, CSS, javascript

Full creation of a shoe sales website. Realized in 2009, it requires flash for the display of advertisements internal to the site.

Délire Design


2009 - photoshop

Creation of a showcase website for a furniture business.

old portfolio of Miloon

My old portfolio...


is old and there's a lot of shitty stuff but since I love my shitty stuff, I can't bring myself to throw it all.

My Certifications

Delivery by Category Name Date Number of certificate


What makes you happy?

Hot chocolate, my nonna's lasagne and my cats. And also when my interns finally understand they're amazing.

What's your favorite programming language?

I prefer PHP but as a coach, I prefer not to proselytize and encourage my interns to discover by themselves discover their own sensibilities. Everybody is different :)

If you had a hero, who would it be?

I have a lot of heroes:

  • Leeloo. She's one of my best friends in the world, she's talented, she's my muse, she's a better version of me.
  • Andrew W.K. He's inspiring me everyday to keep calm, to stay positive and enjoy life.
    Never mistake a bad day for a bad life.
    - Andrew W.K.
  • Lil BUB. She's a miracle cat. She was born in 2011 with a lot of healthy problems and she wasn't supposed to live more than a few months. But she's still alive, she's fine and she and her dude donate a lot of money to help animals. She's for me the leaving proof that nothing is impossible.
  • Aaron Swartz: He was a programming prodigy and information activist. He died at the age of 26 but despite his young age, he helped developping the internet we have today, tried to do his best to spread knowledge and fight social injustice. I named my classroom after him.

The toilet seat, raised or not?

Let me just tell you this: the toilet seat cover exists to prevent splashing. It prevents to put pee and poop on the seat, on the wall and on the floor. So whether you sit or stand, whether you're a man or a woman, you flip the toilet seat cover. Period. You're welcome.

Im looking for an intership. Do you have advices?


How can I contact you?

I'm almost everywhere on the internet as you can see on the right column... Use your favorite social network, I'll be there.